Temporary Foreign Worker Program

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) is a federal program to allow employers to hire foreign workers in Canada. The TFWP is divided into four categories: high-skilled, intermediate-skilled, low-skilled and live-in care workers. If you are not eligible for one of the categories above, you will need an individual work permit to work in Canada. We will explain each category below and how to apply for one.

What is the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)?

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) allows employers to hire foreign workers with specialized skills when they cannot find qualified Canadians. The program is broken up into four categories:

  • Live-in Caregivers
  • Low-Skill Occupations in Regions of Labour Market Demand (ROLMD)
  • High-Skill Occupations in ROLMD areas; and,
  • Intra-Company Transferees

Why apply for a Temporary Foreign Worker Program work permit?

  • Temporary foreign workers have in-demand skills.
  • Temporary foreign workers can fill gaps in the Canadian labour market.
  • Temporary foreign workers are highly skilled and educated, with many having post-secondary education degrees or diplomas from recognized Canadian post-secondary institutions such as universities and colleges (see below for more information).
  • Because they aren’t eligible for permanent residence status under this program, temporary foreign workers may only work in Canada for a maximum of four years (unless an exemption applies). After this period expires, you will need to leave Canada unless you use again under another category of temporary resident visa, such as the Student Visitor Program (for non-degree students), International Experience Canada Working Holiday Program or Post Graduation Work Permit Program.

What are the requirements for the temporary foreign worker?

  • You must be a citizen of a country other than Canada.
  • Having a valid passport and work permit to stay in Canada would be best.
  • You must have a job in Canada.
  • You must prove that you will leave Canada after your work permit expires;
  • You must verify that you can finance your stay and your family’s stay in Canada and that you have enough funds to go back to your home country;
  • You must prove that you have a clean criminal record;
  • You must verify that you are not a threat to the national security of Canada;
  • You must be in good health;
  • You must prove that you will not work for an employer that offers striptease, erotic dance, erotic massage, or escort services;

How do I apply for a Temporary Foreign Worker Program work permit?

The first step in applying for a TFWP work permit is to get a job offer in Canada. The employer must show that they cannot find suitable Canadian workers who are able and willing to fill the position.

Once you have secured an appropriate position, you must complete the medical examination (if applicable) and attend the visa interview at one of our Canadian Visa Application Centers worldwide. Suppose your application has been approved by IRCC staff at VAC. In that case, we will issue an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), which allows entry into Canada as a temporary resident visitor within 72 hours of landing on Canadian soil with no need for further documentation; however, if you do not already hold an eTA, then please ensure that you apply well ahead of time so that there are no delays when travelling through customs at Pearson International Airport Toronto Ontario Canada.”

Get a job offer in Canada.

You must have a job offer in Canada from a Canadian employer. The employer must be either:

  • A citizen or permanent resident of Canada; or
  • An organization incorporated/registered under federal, provincial or territorial law primarily operates in Canada (for example, a foreign subsidiary that operates in Canada).

The job offer must be for temporary work (lasting less than one year) with specific start and end dates or fixed-term employment lasting more than six months but less than one year. It can also be for seasonal work if the period of employment does not exceed nine months within any 12 months starting from July 1st through June 30th each year. For example, an agricultural worker who works from March 15th until October 31st would still only be eligible for Seasonal Worker Program because their employment ended before December 31st.

Get the LMIA

Your employer must apply for the LMIA through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), where they will assess the effect of hiring a foreign worker in the Canadian labour market. If your employer is approved for the LMIA, then you can move to the next step, but if the LMIA is denied, then the employer should either try again, or you must find another job.

When can I apply for a Temporary Foreign Worker Program Work Permit?

When you are hired, the employer must apply for your work permit. The employer must also make sure that they have a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before they can submit your application.

If you must come to Canada before your work permit is issued, you must apply for a temporary resident visa (TRV). This will allow you entry into Canada to begin working on the job as soon as possible. The employer must pay all costs related to obtaining this visa; however, once it has been approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), there will be no further cost for its use until its expiration date arrives–which may be up to three years from now!

Complete the medical examination.

The medical examination is a requirement for all applicants and must be completed by a licensed medical doctor. The examination cost is the applicant’s responsibility and must be done within 30 days of your application. You may be denied entry into Canada under this program if you are not in good health.

Attend the visa interview.

You’ll need to attend the visa interview. This is where you will present your application and supporting documents to the visa officer, who will decide whether or not to grant you a temporary resident permit.

While it’s impossible to predict precisely how long this process will take, there are things you can do ahead of time to prepare yourself for your meeting with Canada’s immigration officials:

  • Prepare yourself mentally by thinking about what questions might come up during your interview (and practicing how best to answer them).
  • Ensure that all your documents are organized and ready when needed at the interview–you don’t want any surprises!

Travel to Canada

The last step is for you to travel to Canada. You can arrange your travel and accommodation, but when you land in Canada, the Port of Entry officers will stop you for questioning. They will examine your documents and ask you about the purpose of your visit, how long it is planned to last, etc. Answer truthfully: if they suspect you are not honest with them, they can refuse entry into Canada.

Application fees for the Temporary Work Permit Canada

As a foreign worker, you must submit an application fee of $1000 to the visa office that processes your application. The price is non-refundable and must be paid in Canadian dollars.

How long is the Temporary Work Permit valid?

The length of your temporary work permit will depend on your occupation and the employer you work for. Your employer can apply for a different type of permit if they need you longer than one year.

The maximum length of a temporary work permit is four years, but employers will rarely want to keep employees in Canada for that long without permanent residence status. Most workers stay on two-year permits before applying to become permanent residents (Landed Immigrants). A few occupations are eligible for three-year licenses if they meet specific criteria and use with an employer designated as “Highly Skilled.”

Can I bring my dependents to Canada while on the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Canada?

If you are issued a work permit as a temporary foreign worker, you may be able to bring your spouse and children (under 18 years old) to Canada. However, it is essential to note that each dependent must apply for a work permit.

You can also bring your parents or grandparents into Canada if they meet the requirements outlined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). However, they must apply for temporary resident visas by visiting an overseas visa office or consulate general before entering the country.

Who is considered a temporary foreign worker in Canada?

To be eligible for the program, you must be:

  • a citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
  • 18 years old or older; and
  • able to work in Canada without risk to public health or safety.

What is the difference between temporary foreign workers and a work permit?

A work permit is a document that allows an individual to work in Canada. Work permits are issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

On the other hand, temporary foreign workers are not eligible for permanent residence. They must leave Canada after their authorized stay or face deportation.

The temporary foreign worker program allows employers to hire foreign workers with specialized skills. The program is broken up into four categories.

The temporary foreign worker program allows employers to hire foreign workers with specialized skills. The program is broken up into four categories:

  • Intra-company transferees (ICTs) are employees working for a company abroad, then coming to Canada on a work permit. They must be transferred from one branch of their employer’s organization in Canada or overseas to another department within the same multinational corporation. These workers can be paid at any rate as long as it’s not below what Canadians make doing similar jobs in the same region. These positions cannot require more than two years of experience and cannot lead to permanent residency status while working under this category of TFWP.
  • Low-wage temporary foreign workers are those whose jobs are considered low-skilled and require less than two years of training or experience; they also earn less than $20 per hour based on today’s wages ($22/hr after April 1st). To qualify for this designation, you must apply through Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) directly instead of through an employer–though many companies do both because each process has its requirements!


Canada’s temporary foreign worker program has been a feature of the Canadian labour market for decades. The program allows employers to hire workers from other countries if they can’t find Canadians to fill jobs here. The program is sometimes criticized by people who think there aren’t enough Canadian workers to fill positions. Still, others say it’s necessary because there are some jobs only certain people can do well. In addition to labour market considerations, integration and permanent residency concerns influence Canada’s temporary migration policy landscape.

Temporary Foreign Worker Program

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