Global Talent Stream

The Global Talent stream is part of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), designed to use foreign workers when there are labour shortages, and Canadians or permanent residents aren’t available to fill positions.

The Global Talent Stream helps innovative firms in Canada access highly skilled global talent. The Stream is designed for firms referred to Employment and Social Development Canada by a designated referral partner and specialized foreign nationals to grow. It is also for firms that must fill an in-demand, highly-skilled position on the Global Talent Occupations List.

Are you looking for a way to hire the best and brightest from worldwide? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! The Global Talent Stream Canada (GTSC) is your one-stop shop for hiring global talent.

Global Talent Stream Canada

Global Talent Stream Canada is a fast-track immigration program for high-skilled workers. The Canadian government introduced it in 2017 to replace the previous Accelerated Labour Market Opinion (ALMO) program. The new Global Talent Stream has two components:

Category A

The category is designed for companies referred to Employment and al Development Canada by a designated referral partner and needing specialized foreign nationals to fill the a-demand position. They create multi-year immigration plans after being chosen as part of the Express Entry pool. ReadMore

Category B

This category is designed for employers looking to hire skilled foreign workers for occupations on the Global Talent Occupations List. The GTS enables Canadian businesses in these fields (but not other industries) to fill job vacancies by hiring highly-skilled international talent instead of training Canadians— which can be a long and expensive process! ReadMore 

what is Global Talent Stream Canada

The Global Talent Stream program Canada (GTS) allows employers in certain occupations to hire foreign workers quickly. It’s a fast track for employers who want to fill jobs that require specialized skills or jobs that are difficult to find locally. GTS replaced the Express Entry system for skilled immigrants and permanent residents who want work permits in Canada.

The GTS does not guarantee you’ll get your visa or permit; it only gives you an advantage over other candidates when applying for one from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). You must meet all eligibility requirements before applying to this Stream–check out our guide on how to qualify if you’re interested!

What are the requirements for hiring talent through the Global Talent Stream?

Although there is no minimum recruitment requirement for the Global Talent Stream, it is recommended that you first consider hiring a Canadian or permanent resident. As part of your application to hire a foreign worker under this program, you must describe any attempts to recruit from among these groups before applying for certification.

Eligibility Criteria for Global Talent Stream Canada

You may be eligible for Category A of the Global Talent Stream if you have been referred by one of the Stream’s designated partners and are hiring an individual whose skills are in high demand.

If the occupation requested on your application is included on the Global Talent Occupations List, it will be processed as a Category B application and must meet all those requirements.

Suppose you are hiring highly-skilled foreign workers to fill positions in fields with a shortage of Canadian talent. In that case, you may be eligible for Category B of the Global Talent Stream. You do not need a referral from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) or your province’s immigration authority—Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)—to apply under this category.

You must comply with program requirements as an employer applying through the Global Talent Stream. You must also follow the regulations and guidelines in Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act when hiring a temporary foreign worker.

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program has measures to verify that employers comply with the program’s requirements. If an employer fails to do so, it will be subject to consequences for non-compliance

Processing fee

You must pay $1,000 for each position requested under the Global Talent Stream to cover the cost of processing your application.

  • The processing fee will not be refunded if your application is withdrawn at your request, cancelled or if the application receives a negative assessment. Refunds are issued only if a fee was collected in error.
  • The temporary foreign workers cannot pay or recover the processing fee.

Recruitment fees

There may be a variety of fees and costs incurred in the process of recruiting temporary foreign workers, including but not limited to the following:

  • cost of using a third-party representative
  • advertising fees
  • fees paid by a foreign national for assistance with finding or securing Employment
  • fees paid by an employer for help or advice in the hiring of foreign nationals

As an employer, you must confirm and ensure that you or anybody recruiting on your behalf does not charge or recover any recruitment fees, directly or indirectly, from the temporary foreign workers. Failure to do so will result in an adverse LMIA decision.


A recruiter or anybody recruiting for the employer is someone who:

  • finds or attempts to find an individual for Employment with the employer, or
  • assists another person in finding or attempting to find an individual for engagement with the employer, or
  • refers a foreign national to another person who sees or attempts to find an individual for Employment with the employer

Some provinces and territories have specific requirements for recruiters and recruitment activities. It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with those requirements. As an employer, you are also responsible for the actions of anyone who recruits on your behalf.

Application Process for Global Talent Stream Canada

The Global Talent Stream Canada application process is relatively straightforward. To apply, you will need to:

  • Upload your documents
  • Pay fees (if applicable)
  • Submit your application

Benefits of using Global Talent Stream Canada

  • A faster processing time.
  • A more streamlined process.
  • More flexibility in the selection criteria means you can apply for jobs that may not be listed on your work experience and education. The employer doesn’t have to advertise the position before hiring you, so they can ensure they get someone qualified for the job and fit into their company culture. This makes it easier for them to hire foreign workers because they don’t have as many restrictions on what jobs they can fill with GTS Canada applicants.
  • A higher chance of being successful – because there aren’t as many hurdles for employers or applicants to jump over (like proving financial stability), both parties stand a much better chance at being approved quickly than if they were using any other method available today! Congratulations if your application goes through without any problems; you’re ready to start working immediately once your PR card arrives in about two weeks!


In conclusion, Global Talent Stream Canada is an excellent opportunity for employers to hire foreign workers for their business. The process is simple and requires minimal paperwork. With this program in place, businesses can focus on what matters most – growing their company and hiring qualified employees who will contribute to its success!

Global Talent Stream

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