Letter of Acceptance
  • February 1, 2023
  • lifeintheabroad@gmail.com
  • 4

If you’re applying to college or university, you’ll need to know how to obtain a Letter of Acceptance (LOA). A letter of acceptance is a document that officially accepts your school application. It may take some time before you receive it in the mail, but keep checking so that you don’t miss out on anything important! Letter of Acceptance Canada

What is a Letter of Acceptance (LOA)?

A letter of acceptance is a document that shows your acceptance into a program, major or specific course at a university. Letters of acceptance are also sometimes referred to as letters of intent.

Why do you need an LOA?

A Letter of Acceptance (LOA) is a formal document that officially accepts your application for admission to a particular school. It’s also an official notification that you have been received, which means you are eligible to attend the institution.

The LOA is often used by international students who have applied through their country’s embassy or consulate in the United States; however, it can also be obtained by domestic applicants who have applied directly through the school. The LOA confirms that you are eligible for enrollment at this institution and binds both parties into an agreement regarding tuition fees and other expenses necessary for attending classes there.

How to obtain an LOA

A Letter of Acceptance is a mandatory document in the application for a Canada study permit. The potential student may first apply to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). After the institution has accepted a student, it will typically issue an official letter stating that fact. In most cases, for study permit purposes, this is your primary piece of evidence when applying for entry to Canada.

  • The student’s full name, date of birth, and mailing address;
  • The student’s ID number, if applicable;
  • The name of the institution and the name of the official contact person;
  • The contact information of the institution;
  • If the DLI is a private institution, the licensing information for the institution should be clearly stated (usually on the institution’s letterhead);
  • The DLI number;
  • The type of school or institution (e.g. private, public, post-secondary college, community college, or technical college — this list is not exhaustive);
  • The study program, level, and year of study into which the student is accepted;
  • The estimated duration of the study program or estimated date of completion of the study program;
  • The start date of the study program;
  • The latest date by which a student may register for the study program;
  • Whether the study program is full-time or part-time;
  • The estimated tuition fees for the first year of study and scholarships or other financial aid (if applicable);
  • The details of a required internship or work placement, if applicable;
  • The expiry date of the Letter of Acceptance*;
  • Conditions of acceptance to the DLI (if applicable) — this may include prerequisite courses, previous qualifications, or proof of language knowledge;
  • If the DLI is in Quebec, the requirement of a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) should be clearly stated;

A Letter of Acceptance (LOA) is a document that officially accepts your school application.

A Letter of Acceptance (LOA) is a document that officially accepts your school application. It may come in an email or letter, but it’s always sent by the admissions office and not by individual professors or departments.

The difference between an LOA and an acceptance letter is that while the former will tell you where you stand on the waitlist or in line for admission, the latter means you know whether or not you’ve been accepted into a program–and at what level (full-time vs part-time).

Because letters are often sent out at various times throughout each semester, there is no set date when they should arrive. However, if none has arrived by mid-April (for the fall semester), reach out directly via phone call or email asking if there were any further updates since they last corresponded with you in February/March timeframe.

Identify your school of choice.

Once you’ve identified your school of choice, it’s time to get the ball rolling on admissions. The first step is determining if the school has an Early Decision or Early Action program. If so, apply for this program before December 1st and submit all application materials (including letters of recommendation). This will allow you to receive a decision from your top choice by January 15th, three months before regular decision applicants!

If your top choice does not offer either Early Decision or Early Action programs, then continue reading below for more information about how those who do not know which school will be their best fit should proceed with their application process.

Search for a school that is an appropriate fit for you.

As you begin your search for a school that is an appropriate fit for you, there are several things to consider:

  • What are the requirements for a Letter of Acceptance?
  • What are the requirements for the school you are applying to?
  • How does your GPA compare with accepted students at this school and those born into your major (if applicable)?

Obtain the appropriate application.

You’ll need to first apply for admission to obtain a letter of acceptance.

  • Go to the school’s website and download their application form.
  • Follow the instructions on that form carefully. If there are any questions about how many pages your essay should be or what kind of paper stock they want you to use, call them up and ask! You want to ensure that each piece of information is communicated so that when they read it, they don’t have any questions about why you submitted what you did (and no one likes being confused).
  • Once everything is complete, submit your paperwork as soon as possible so they can start reviewing everything before classes begin in September!

Gather the required documents for your application.

You will need to gather the following documents for your application:

  • Passport photo (see passport photo requirements)
  • Police certificate(s) (if applicable)
  • Birth certificate(s)
  • Marriage certificate(s), if married within five years of applying (if applicable).

Pay any application fees and submit your application as soon as possible.

You will need to pay an application fee to apply for a letter of acceptance. The amount of this fee varies depending on your student status and whether or not you are applying for financial aid. If you are eligible for financial assistance, the cost to use will be waived. You can also pay with a credit card if desired but note that there is no refund for unused portions of your application fee once it’s delivered (so don’t forget about taxes!).

Wait for your acceptance letter in the mail.

Once the school has received your application, there is a period during which they will review it carefully. You should not contact them directly to ask about your application or whether they’ve received it.

If you send an email asking if they’ve received your application, they may feel obligated to respond and tell you what they think of your work–which means that their response could influence their decision-making process! The best thing for everyone involved is to wait patiently until you receive notice in writing that they are ready to accept new students into their program.

Conditional Letter of Acceptance

A Letter of Acceptance may be issued to a potential student stating that the offer of a place in a study program is subject to the completion by this student—before enrollment in any other course or program offered by [name-of institution]—of another college/university’s prerequisite course(s) or standard.

Letter of Acceptance

For example, a potential student may be required to complete an English as a Second Language (ESL) or French as a Second Language (FRSL) course before pursuing the more advanced study program. In these situations, they will only receive permission from Citizenship and Immigration Canada for their prerequisite training period.

After completing one program and obtaining a study permit, a student can apply for another study permit to pursue another program.

Now that you know what to do, get started on the next step to getting accepted at a college or university!

Now that you have your Letter of Acceptance, it’s time to start thinking about what classes and activities you will be taking at your new school. You can also start thinking about housing options and financial aid if necessary.

Now that you know what to do, get started on the next step to getting accepted at a college or university!

4 comments on “Letter of Acceptance (LOA) – How to Get One in Canada

  1. I applied for ECE . Sencca rejected me and said that I am an international student. But I am not an international student. I have my study permit and I am a conventional refugee. Please can you help

    1. Hi Ngozi
      Yeah normally when you seek asylum and your claim is granted, you are considered a conventional refugee until you apply for Permanent Resident. So in this case what I will suggest is to talk to a student advisor and let them know you are a conventional refugee. That way you will be able to apply as an international student and pay a domestic student school fee (Same school fee as a PR holder) and you are eligible for OSAP as well.

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